Written by Toni Strickland, mom to Taylor

Abraham and Sarah waited 100 years for a son.
As a boy, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery. He was an adult running the nation of Egypt when he saw them again.
The Israelites waited 400 years in bondage to Egypt.
Then they wandered the desert for 40 years to enter the Promised Land.
David waited to be appointed king.
Mary waited for the fulfillment of the promise (she treasured all these things) that Jesus would be Messiah.
Jesus waited about 30 years to begin His ministry.
I’m wondering if, in each of these cases, the people involved felt like nothing was happening. We, of course, know that much was happening and that God was preparing them.
While God is IN our waiting with us, most of us might not feel like praying, “Lord help me learn to wait” —just like we tease each other, “Don’t pray for patience.” Regardless, He is there with us, and our choices are to embrace it or brace against it.
Jesus waited about 30 years to begin His ministry, and He’s waiting to return.
Every day I am waiting. I’m waiting for Him. I’m waiting to see Taylor again. I’m waiting to serve and see what God will do next. I’m waiting with Jesus, and somehow that makes the waiting feel more doable.
Yet, while we wait, we work. There is a great work to be done, and Jesus made it simple for us: Love God, and love others. Make this the year you work on loving your father—or your son—in the way that God loves us. Scholarships are available for fathers and sons to attend Christ in the Smokies Passage to Manhood Camp. Visit christinthesmokies.org to learn more, and apply for a scholarship here.
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